Sculptures / Drawings
Chantal Grard creates sculptures deeply connected to origins and growth. They are unique while evoking a sense of familiarity and alienation.
Chantal has developed her own personal sculpture language that reflects her view of the human body and human beings. This visual language was present from the beginning of her career, even in her figurative work.
The shapes she now creates symbolise growth, inwardness and rhythmic repetition. They represent a rare, genuine innovation in contemporary three-dimensional art and remain a source of wonder.

Minimalist paintings
Jeroen Broux, prefers to describe himself as a visual artist who creates minimalist paintings.
The style of the paintings is an extension of the graphic language Jeroen uses as a designer. This involves clear lines and boundaries, subtle forms that are in balance and communicate with each other, and a minimalist colour palette that does not dominate. Spontaneous paint strokes contrast with hard, controlled lines. The volumes portrayed in the works are firmly grounded, neatly balanced and stable within the space of the canvas.
Thus they perfectly express the “CTRL” that Jeroen was looking for … and found.
Kris maakt abstracte sculpturen waarin hij zoekt naar de boeiende combinatie van massa en spanning, vloeiende bewegingen en scherpe lijnen, een spel van licht en schaduw, abstractie en eenvoud.
Zijn doel is om unieke sculpturen te maken waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van authentieke en rijke natuurlijke materialen.
Zijn vormentaal triggert onze emoties, moedigt ons aan om aan te raken, te bewonderen en dingen vanuit een ander perspectief te zien.

In Chris' paintings, faces appear as vague presences in paint.
A recurring theme is concealing and revealing identity.
Every facet of the face is painted very meticulously and realistically. After which the figurativity takes on a mysterious haze through an abstract layer of drippings, tags and wrinkles.
As a result, the faces depicted seem to reside in a world of their own and are above all carriers of emotions.
Antropomorphic sculptures
Els is fascinated by what is not yet there.
Anthropomorphic sculptures are created from natural clay. For her it is a journey of discovery between spirit and matter.
Starting to create and not knowing how her creatures will form is a very fascinating process for her. The movement, structure and color shades create a mysterious whole.
Facial expressions are deliberately avoided and give the sculptures something mysterious ...
What feeling do these creatures evoke in you?

Charcoal drawings
Jan has a great passion for charcoal. His works are mainly mysterious portraits or images of abandoned spaces and landscapes. Situations that invite you to discover their secrets. In recent years he has been working on a mysterious and dark chiaroscuro style.